Sunday, January 10, 2010

50,000 hp in a used F-104 Starfighter body: Aiming for 800 mph on land!

When I used to take my mother's 1954 Plymouth out on the soon-to-open loop on the west side of San Angelo, Texas, I had nothing like this baby in mind. This fellow has lots of folks helping him get things lined up right, since there's not much margin for error at land vehicle velocity beyond the speed of sound. But the idea of cranking up 50,000 hp and lettin' 'er rip is somewhat attractive. The idea of death or months of hospital recovery if there's a mistake doesn't seem in the same breath, so to mentally speak. The subject says what happened and the plans for the future. Read the article for details.

Whoosh! Shazam!

Comments welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. This story reminds me of the record set by Burt Munroe. I even remember seeing the movie, Worlds Fastest Indian, and how he achieved his record with a restored Indian Motorcycle. Great post, and very nice picture. It's funny to see that this car is also red, just like Burt Munroe's Indian.
